Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mango Pudding

Here I am, continuing with my mango madness. The JFI event at Indiras and the abundance of mangoes in our market egged me on a search for some mango delicasies. This recipe the result of one such search and adapted from the Food section of BBC UK.

This is truly a dessert in a jiffy. The mango pudding with the unbeatable taste of this tropical fruit combined with milk and sugar, crowned with mint leaves- is a beauty, both on the outside and the inside.

Mango pudding adorned by mint leaves


2 cups mango puree (Peel the mangoes, cube and puree )
1 cup evaporated milk
1/3 cup sugar
1 tbsp gelatin / china grass
200 ml water
Few drops mango essence (optional)
Mint leaves for garnish
Icing sugar for garnish


1. Add the mango puree, milk and sugar into a bowl. Mix well.
2.Dissolve the gelatin in 200 ml hot water thoroughly.
Add the gelatin mixture to the mango mixture and stir.
3. Stir in the mango essence (if using ). Divide the mixture between 5 ramekins and refrigerate for an hour. The pudding should look set and jiggle when shaken.
4.To unmould- dip the bases of ramekins in warm water, run a knife blade to free the pudding from the sides, shake gently and upturn onto a plate.
5. Garnish with mint leaves and sift icing sugar over the top. ( I used just the mint)

Just dig in immediately !

This entry goes for JFI-Mahanandi and Cates ARF Tuesdays

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