Monday, March 3, 2014

2 minute Teriyaki Sauce

I feel guilty that I havent shared this recipe yet.  It is so super easy and tasty its ridiculous!  I got this from my mom and its great for a quick week night meal and tasty enough that you could make it for guests too!  It only has 5 ingredients - all of which I always have on hand.  I usually pour it over some chicken breasts and pop them in the oven for an hour while I cook some rice and veggies.  My mom would usually do something more exciting like spareribs or something, but its so versatile you could do whatever you want!  Throw in a wok with your stirfry veggies or let it simmer in the oven with some meat.  Give it a try!  Its a gem.

Teriyaki Sauce

1/2 c. white sugar
1/2 c. ketchup
1/2 c. soy sauce
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. ground ginger

Mix all ingredients together until smooth.  Pour over desired dish.  Recommendations: pour over chicken breasts, pork spareribs, etc, and bake at 350 for about an hour.  Or add to your stovetop stirfry during the last few minutes of cooking.  Enjoy!
Source: My Mom

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