Friday, May 16, 2014

Karinas Crustless Quiche with Roasted Vegetables

Delicious roasted vegetable quiche- gluten-free.
A slice of gluten-free quiche loaded with roasted vegetables

Karinas Crustless Quiche with Roasted Vegetables Recipe

A short and sweet post today. Last night I made more roasted vegetables than we needed- just so I could use them today in a quiche. Nestled good-for-you goodies baked in a creamy, cheesy custard. Whats not to love?


Light olive oil, as needed
2 cups roasted veggies: broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, onions
1 cup shredded Swiss, Jarlsberg or sharp cheddar cheese
4 large organic free-range eggs
2/3 cup light cream
A dash of nutmeg
1-2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, if desired
1-2 tablespoons shredded Parmesan for the top


Pre-heat the oven to 375ºF. Lightly oil or butter a nine-inch glass pie plate.

Arrange the roasted vegetables in the bottom of the pie plate. Balance the colors (okay, not mandatory; its just the painter in me coming out).

Sprinkle with the shredded cheese.

In a large mixing/measuring cup, whisk the eggs with the light cream and nutmeg till smooth. Add almost all of the parsley (save a little to decorate the top, if you like). Pour the egg mixture all over the roasted veggies.

Using the back of a spatula, lightly press down all over the top surface to encourage the egg custard to seep in and around the roasted vegetables. Sprinkle the top with shredded Parmesan.

Bake in a hot oven for 35 minutes, until the quiche is set in the center- it should be firm and golden.

Cool slightly before slicing and serving.

Serves 4 to 6.

Recipe Source:

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