Friday, May 2, 2014

Five Minute Cupcakes Thong Diaper

I was listening to the radio this morning, as Im wont to do, and the DJs were trying to come up with new inventions for famed British-accented informercial host Anthony "Sully" Sullivan to pitch.

On their list were such gems like the Welcome mat scale (to weigh your would-be online dates before they ever step into your home), the denim leg pillow for dogs (a pillow, made of denim, in the shape of human legs), and a thong diaper for babies...ya know, so they can lose the saggy butt look. The latter idea was then disqualified when a caller reminded them that SNL did that already.

What they were missing was this:
Photo via What on Earth Catalogue

Unlike the poorly designed "Thong Diaper", this mini cupcake maker will make 7 mini cupcakes at a time in five minutes flat. Plus its easy to clean (how, Im not sure, but thats what the write-up says, okay?!! And you know those dont lie!!).

I can practically hear his pitch now: "...and if you order now, well throw in this professional-grade squedgie absolutely FREE! Its our gift to you!")

Oh, and, if youve never seen the SNL Thong Diaper, then...youre welcome:

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