Thursday, January 30, 2014

Savory Cornmeal Cake Mısır Ekmeği

Corn meal or corn flour cake was something my mom used to bake for a lazy weekend breakfast once or twice a year. It was always a special cake not only because it was delicious but also because it wasnt something we had all the time. Corn flour my mom used for the cake came from my dads hometown, a small town in the Black Sea Region. My aunt would bring it back after visiting her relatives.

I recreated the recipe not with Black Sea Region corn meal, but with Indiana Spring Mill State Park corn meal. I called my mom for the details and since in her explanation she used "coffee mug" instead of "cup" as measurement, measurement for this recipe will be a coffee mug. If you pick the most ordinary coffee mug and measure everything with the same mug, youll be fine.

2 coffee mugs of corn meal
1 coffee mug flour
3 eggs
1 coffee mug yogurt
3/4 coffee mug oil (corn or sun flower-if you use olive oil it might make the cake bitter)
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup of feta cheese, crumbled
1/2 cup black olives, pitted and sliced
1 tsp pepper flakes
1/2 bunch parsley or dill, chopped finely (if you dont have parsley or dill, you can use thyme)

-Beat the eggs in a bowl and add all the ingredients. Mix well.
-If the dough seems too dense, lighten it up by adding a little more yogurt or milk. This shouldnt be a dense cake.
-Grease the owen dish (I used a 2 inch deep 8.5 x 11.5 inch one)
-Put the dough in the owen dish. Sprinkle black seeds on it if you wish.
-Bake approximately for an hour in a preheated owen at 375ºF. After 45 minutes, start checking with a knife every 10 minutes. When the knife comes out clean, the cake is baked.

This recipe is for Meetas Monthly Mingle.

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