Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kajo burfi

Kajo burfi

  • Unroasted cashew nuts 2 cups ground finely
  • Milk powder 1 cup
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Water ½ cup
  • Knead together the full cream powder milk with a little water into a very hard dough and pressure cook for 15 minutes. The color will change to a light brown.It will become light brown, remove and chop together in a food processor.Mix with finely ground cashew nut powder.
  • Make sugar syrup with 1 cup sugar and ½ cup water; cook stirring all the time on medium flame. The syrup is done when it drips off your stirrer in a stream.Immediately put the ground mixture of milk and cashew nuts into the sugar syrup mix well and remove from fire.
  • Spread out on a greased surface and into a thick round and roll with a greased rolling into a thin round.Cover with silver paper cool for half an hour under fan, cut in diamonds shape.

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